
EPR Registration for Electronic Waste

Introduction to EPR Registration for Electronic Waste

E-waste, which stands for "electronic waste," has become a big problem in recent years due to how quickly technology has changed and how much more we use electronic devices every day. When electronic waste is thrown away in the wrong way, the soil and water can become polluted, and people's health can be hurt. To reduce these risks, the idea of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been created. This means that manufacturers are responsible for getting rid of their products when they reach the end of their useful lives.

In India, all electronic companies must apply for EPR Registration for Electronic Waste to handle their electronic waste. It is the responsibility of the company that made the product to get rid of it when it is no longer useful or is no longer needed. The goal of EPR Authorzation is to promote the idea of a circular economy, in which waste is kept to a minimum and resources are used in the best way possible.

The EPR programme is a set of rules that tells producers, importers, and brand owners of electronic products that they are responsible for managing the whole life cycle of their products, including getting rid of them when they are no longer needed. The goal of the EPR program is to make sure that companies that make electronic products are responsible for the waste they make and take steps to deal with it in an environmentally friendly manner.

How to Register for EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste?

The e-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016, say that the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is in charge of EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste in India. Under the EPR programme, companies that make or bring in electronic goods must get EPR authorization from the CPCB. The EPR Registration process is made up of the following steps:

Step 1: Find out who makes and sells the goods.

 The first step in getting EPR Registration is to find out who makes and imports electronic products. Producers and importers of electronic products must sign up with the CPCB by giving their name, address, contact information, and the kinds of electronic products they make or bring in.

Step 2: Make a plan for EPR

Electronic product manufacturers and importers must make an EPR plan that shows how they will handle the e-waste that their products create. The following information must be in the EPR plan: 

  • Identifying the kinds and amounts of electronic products made or brought in
  • Identifying the places where e-waste can be dropped off
  • Getting the names of the people who recycle e-waste
  • Information about how e-waste is moved and stored
  • Information about how money will be used to deal with e-waste
  • Information about the programmes to raise awareness and train stakeholders

Step 3: Give the EPR Plan

 The CPCB must approve the EPR plan of any company that makes or imports electronic products. The CPCB will look at the EPR plan and let the producers and importers know if they need to make any changes.

Step 4: Putting the EPR plan into place

Once the CPCB approves the EPR plan, the producers and importers must put it into action by a certain date. They must make sure that the electronic waste made by their products is collected, moved, and recycled in a way that is good for the environment.

Benefits of EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste

In India, EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste has a number of benefits, such as:

  • Less electronic waste will be produced.
  • Taking care of the dangerous materials in e-waste properly. 
  • Increasing the use of resources wisely and promoting the circular economy.
  • Jobs will be made available in the e-waste management sector.
  • Electronic products should be better for the environment.
  • Green and sustainable practices in the industry should be pushed.

Documents Required for EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste

In India, the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Authorization for electronic waste requires that certain documents be sent in. Some of these are:

  • Documents required from Sole Proprietor, LLP and Partnership Manufacture

 – GST Certificate

– Pan Card

– IEC Certificate

– Authorized Signatory details like- Aadhar/pan card, Designation, Contact number, etc.

– Document with EPR Plan

– Product details in the Excel sheet

– Sales data for the Previous Five Years (If the product sold out in the Indian Market)

  • Documents required from Private Limited Companies and Public Limited Companies

– GST Certificate, Memorandum of Association, Certificate of Incorporation

– Pan Card

– IEC Certificate

– Authorized Signatory details like- Aadhar/pan card, Designation, Contact number, etc.

– Document with EPR Plan

– Product details in the Excel sheet

– Sales data of the Previous Five Years (If the product sold out in the Indian Market)

– Board Declaration for Authorized Signatory

The EPR Registration for Electronic Waste in India is a step towards making a system for managing e-waste that is sustainable and good for the environment. The program makes sure that the people who make and bring in electronic products take care of the e-waste that their products create. The EPR program is necessary to make sure that electronic waste is handled in a way that is safe for the environment and public health.

Timeline for EPR Authorization

The Timeline for EPR Authorization for Electronic Waste is 20– 25 working days

Validity and Renewal of EPR Authorization Certificate

EPR Authorization Certificate for Electronic Waste is valid for five years and it can be renewed subsequently.  

Producers' roles and responsibilities for EPR authorization

  1. Producers must give consumers the following information: their address, an email address, and a toll-free phone number or helpline number.
  2. According to government rules, the producer is responsible for treatment, storage, and disposal facilities, and dangerous goods must be treated first.
  3. Producers have to make channels so that products including waste collected from the distributor and authorized service centres.

EPR Registration for Electronic Waste Management Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. Is EPR Registration mandatory In India?

Yes, EPR Registration is mandatory for some specified product (Please check above mandatory list).

2. What is the Validity of EPR Authorization Certificate?

EPR Authorization Certificate is valid for 5 years and it can be renewed subsequently.

3. Can we Renew the EPR Authorization Certificate?

Yes, EPR Authorization Certificate can be renewed.